
About Me

Salam Alaikuum.. Welcome to my Blog :) My name is Lina-Spahic, I am Originally Indonesian and currently living in Bosnia Herzegovina. I came up with the concept of a beauty blog because I have soo many interests in Fashion and Beauty that I figured I needed an outlet to get them out… and hopefully touch those with similar mindsets and passions. I'm not great in particularly at anything, but i'm HAPPY just being me :) In this blog I hope to share Tips and thoughts on Beauty and Fashion and Especially for Hijabis. I will write review about things i would wear and it look nice on me, what i bought and i have tried, and what i will buy and give my view to you out there. Please note that this blog is on Beauty category.. not Religious category. I hope you will enjoy it ♥♥♥

13 April 2011


I respect any individual style even though it's never ever written on the book, BUUUUT sometimes when you see people who wears clothes that are not right, The clothes do not match each other in style or color, or it do not fit the person correctly, it turn to be be kinda weird, especially as a hijabi, don't you think ?!? Person who crosses the boundaries of fashion and style, like taking a fad too far, or wearing too many trends at once called a Fashion Victim.  It basically taking the look from the glamorous to the ridiculous. So as a Hijabi, keep your dress modestly and stylishly at the same time. And pleaseeeee please please don't try this.. 


  1. I agree with you on all of these pics. Its sorta scary to think about!

    salaam sis:D

  2. hahahaha..... where did u get this!!!!

    i have colleagues of mine in the office, wearing a skirt (kneelength) with leggings (She wears hijab of course)... huh??????

    oooh, here's an idea: maybe u shd have an entry about how leggings are NOT pants! ;p

    too many hijabis out there do not realise this :(

    - Ilham

  3. Hahaa bex! This post made me laugh! Good one babe! I tak boleh tahan ketawa tengok gambar makcik tu pose dengan manis abih u letak pangkar besar kat sebelah muker dia.. hahaha..!

  4. @Rabia: hehehe.. indeed it is scaryyyy :D thanks sis :)
    @Ilham: Yeahhhh that would be a great post.. well, they eager want to follow the trend, doesn't matter even though in fact it's not fit them well :D
    @Faeza: hahahahahahaha... don't you think that's creepy ?? :P

  5. Haha babe.. You know me well.. I'm the kind who sees humour in everything and you know how I like to crack jokes :P On a more serious note, it's definitely something I would never wear.

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  7. lol omg! What were they all thinking????

  8. the one with caption: What is thisssss ???!!!
    that's Tehran =) yope .. that's how they dress =) I'm half Iranian :)

    love u blog! I think I fav all u videos =) the musics are AWESOME! the hejabs are AMAZING mA :D keep it up ;)


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  10. The first person is actually Nicki Minaj and she actually does not wear hijab ....still prettty funnny though.

  11. Hi author,
    I was looking for something on Google, suddenly I arrived here. I'm form Iran,live in the US. I saw a pic of two Iranian women with a green scarf, and a withe scarf in the street with a red cross on it(the second pic from the last) .I don't know where you are from, but I want to explain something:
    In Iran Hijab is a restrictive rule . women has to cover their hair and their body by force , so many of them are not really believe in Hijab, and they like to be free, but the government doesn't allow them. so they have to wear something like this that seems ridicules,and weird, because they like to be modern, and be free but the stupid Islamic government hurts them. As you see even they didn't cover their hair completely like other pics from other countries.
    when you see pictures like these from Iran, before you want to judge them,think about that the Hejab is a stupid rule in Iran that many young women do not believe in it,never, ever. maybe you can understand this sad, funny situation, and their wired dresses.

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